Productivity Boost: Compare Word Files in the LINK App

Did you know that in our LINK App you can compare Word files?

  • Compare two files
  • Compare two versions of a file
  • Compare an attachment in email to a file in DMS

Watch this 16 second video to view comparing two versions of a file in iManage Work in the LINK App.

LINK has the compareDocs engine from DocsCorp built-in for high fidelity comparison results within the LINK secure container.

LINK is integrated with iManage Work®, NetDocuments DMS, OpenText eDocs, and Outlook email. In a single app, compare your files, then email or check-in to DMS.

Watch this video to see full workflows using in-app comparison and using the Word app for editing.

If have any questions, write to us at: contact at mobilehelix dot com. We’d be happy to answer your questions.


Case Study: How Mobile Helix Used compareDocs SDK

How Mobile Helix used compareDocs SDK by DocsCorp to provide accurate document comparison in the LINK App for Lawyers

Mobile Helix, a legal technology solutions provider, used market-leading document comparison technology to meet user expectations for in-app comparison. Since integrating compareDocs SDK through a native .NET API, comparisons in the LINK App for Lawyers are faster and more accurate than ever.

The Business Need

  • Provide end-to-end workflows within the protected container of the encrypted LINK App
  • Improve the accuracy of in-app document comparison with new technology
  • Provide comparison on the server-side, rather than in the cloud
  • Partner with a leader in the legal technology industry

Read the full case study here

What happens when the document comparison in your app isn’t reliable?

We talked to DocsCorp about our integration of their high fidelity Word document comparison in our LINK app. We used their compareDocs SDK. It was a success for us and for our legal clients. This post is from their blog site.

Picture this: you are a lawyer who relies heavily on your devices to work outside of office hours. Perhaps you use the morning commute to fire off emails from your smartphone, or maybe you use your tablet on the couch after everyone has gone to bed and the house is finally quiet. While working on these devices, you use a secure app made especially for legal professionals. It has everything you need – access to your document management system, advanced search, Word editing and annotation, and document comparison.

Read the rest on the DocsCorp blog