Attorney Responsiveness – A Super Power

In the midst of finalizing a significant deal for your company, you receive the second round of redlines on the Master Purchase Agreement from your client. Along with some contextual notes, you promptly forward it to your legal counsel.

What happens next? The truth is, whenever legal assistance is enlisted, be it for business or personal matters, prompt communication is eagerly anticipated. A response within 24 hours barely scratches the surface of satisfaction. Whether it’s a pivotal order for your company or the closure on a new home, these occasions come with pressing timelines. Urgency is an integral aspect that contributes to the demanding and relentless nature of the legal profession. Work is typically conducted under time constraints and often without prior scheduling.


Responsiveness stands out as one of the top characteristics which we all look for in an attorney. Exceptional attorneys strive to strike a balance between their caseload and client correspondence.

In a survey conducted by Thomson Reuters, attorneys were asked, “What do you think makes lawyers, such as yourself, stand out to clients”?

64% of standout lawyers identified service-related factors as key contributors to their standout status. Among these factors, responsiveness emerged as the top service quality cited by attorneys.


“Speed is the most important component of the customer experience. Two-thirds of customers assert that speed is as important as price, as noted by Ruth Carter, quoting Jay Baer in his book, “The Time to Win.”

Baer further emphasizes that responsiveness fosters trust. “You’ll bolster trust by surpassing your client’s expectations in terms of speed.” This is precisely how a timely response resonates with me. It reassures me that my attorney is diligently looking out for my best interests and comprehends the urgency of the matter.

A good mobile solution with the assets that lawyers use everyday streamlines the process, enabling them to swiftly review documents and provide concise feedback to clients, followed by a comprehensive response.

Facilitating Responsiveness

At Mobile Helix, we specialize in facilitating responsiveness. Our LINK App integrates both Outlook Email and the firm’s Document Management System into a single, encrypted app. Our aim is to simplify and expedite attorneys’ ability to work efficiently from their smartphones and tablets. The fundamental objective behind our work – to help attorneys to better serve their clients.

If you are not familiar with the LINK App’s workflows, including document annotation, I encourage you to take a brief look at LINK in this informative 2-minute video.
